On Jan 19, 2007, at 9:20 PM, Austin Taylor wrote:
Think like a hacker. Why couldn't we scrape it?

Think like a developer: how can we make it work? Think like an entrepreneur: is there a solution here that we can offer? Can we transform GSM-as-usual into a transport? If GSM is just the tube you use to get to the mobile device, and the number that you call isn't the GSM number, then you can intercede if the call isn't answered and capture the voicemail, perhaps in an Asterix PBX. Once you have the voicemail, the phone can download it next time it has IP connectivity. Voila: visual voicemail, no scraping needed.

The question is, is this a service anyone would go to the trouble to use? In some ways it would suck - no way to notify the phone that the voicemail is present if you're off the IP network.

I think it's a ripe place to do some research, but whether it is actually useful, we'd have to see. Personally, nothing against Cingular, but if I have to switch to them to get this feature, it's not worth it to me - I quite like t-mobile as a carrier in general.

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