> Awhile back someone joined the list and said that while he wasn't a
> programmer, he was a graphic artist and would like to help in some way. A few
> days later Jon Phillips introduced himself and mentioned the Creative Commons
> license. This got me thinking about ways that non-programmers could
> contribute, and because I hang out a lot on the linux audio mailing list, it
> occurred to me that ringtones might be such a way. For many people, having the
> right ringtone seems quite important, and in a way ringtones are more
> ubiquitous than the phones themselves.

> I mentioned this to Jon, who cleverly expanded this concept to include fonts,
> graphics, and other non-software assets.

> In addition to our graphic artist, I'm sure we have musicians and other
> creative people. I look forward to seeing (and hearing) what you come up with.

> On a purely subjective note, I find most cellphone ringtones absolutely
> dismal. I'm sure we can do better.

I agree. Great idea!

Best regards,

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer | OpenMoko Software Team

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