And me could help in Spanish translation, but I suppose it's being done by FIC.

Best regards,

2007/1/30, Denis Kot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I can try to help to translate to Russian.

2007/1/30, Robert Michel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Salve José!
> Welcome to Openmoko :)
> I'm just a student tring to support the community,
> so we do not have an official list moderator,
> and the official openmoko team member are very busy.
> Your mail was send to the wrong list...
> On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, José Suárez wrote:
> > Hi to everybody.
> > I've been quite excited about the OpenMoko development and release schedule.
> > I'm pretty sure I would like to buy one Neo1973 when they were available and
> > became usable.
> > I'm not a developer
> The mailinglist openmoko-devel is only about programming.
> Your kind offer to support openmoko should be send to the
> openmoko-community mailinglist. I was so free to answer
> your mail on this other list. When you haven't subscibed
> it yet, please subscribe openmoko-community, now.
> Because the people are very busy, some better informations are
> missing - e.g. an automaticaly welcome message that
> explains the use of the list a little better....
> this just have to wait until the first Neo1973 are ready ;)
> > and don't know how to code, but I would like to contribute
> > to the OpenMoko project to make it great. Given that the only way I think I
> > could help at the moment is by translating some of the UI/GUI messages 
> > when the phone is out I would like to test the apps and report bugs) I want
> > to know if there is any need for translators. If so, I would like to
> > volunteer for the translation of whatever messages into Spanish.
> Translation of GUI, of help/man pages and other documentations is IMHO
> very important to make projects more populare. Even Debian and Ubuntu
> lakes whith translations and due this it has unused popularity
> potential.
> Greetings,
> rob
> PS:
> Just an example for english only sides, see an the pages about
> Debian/Ubuntu installer for Windows32:
> ;)
> > Thanks for the effort and time you guys are putting into OpenMoko's
> > development. It will surely rock!
> >
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> OpenMoko community mailing list

Denis Kot
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Mobil: +375 29 6-1234-78

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J. Manrique López de la Fuente

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