On 1/31/07, Bryan Fink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 1/31/07, Michael 'Mickey' Lauer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let's distinguish two types of popup-dialogs:
> a) informative (i.e. battery low, incoming sms, sms sent)
> b) confirmative ("Mickey calling. Answer / Ignore / Reject?", "Do you
> want to remove all contacts?")
> Right now, we're leaning towards (ab)using the bottom status bar (in
> openmoko-language called 'footer') for informative dialogs and using
> half screen (480x320) popup dialogs for confirmative.
> What do you think?

I think the first time it pops up while I'm doing something else
("Mickey calling. Answer/Ignore/Reject?" while I'm putting something
on my calendar), and I accidentally click one of the buttons, I'm
going to be very annoyed.  I'd also be annoyed if I had to deal with
the dialog before going back to whatever I was doing.

Right, I would agree that any alerts that will provide inputs for
choosing an option such as "Answer/Ignore incoming call" be in an area
that is not currently being used.

I have this happen on my current mobile when using the 2 buttons for
editing an entry and then the states of the buttons change to
answer/decline. But the Neo can be smarter :)

So the 'footer' can be a restricted 100px (or something) high status
bar that apps wouldn't display in. Then if a call comes in, a
pulsating red phone icon or exclamation point  shows up. You can then
click it to have the half-screen footer slide up.

My preference would be some system whereby I could select a list of
events that are allowed to interrupt me, and to what level they're
allowed to interrupt - visual: fullscreen/halfscreen/footer/none;
audio: interrupt/mix over/none.

This seems like too much work to setup profiles/configurations etc.
Most users probably wouldn't bother. Very important to consider "The
Power of Defaults" :) See Flickr and default "Public" on photos vs.
private by all the other photo sites.

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