You can also use Parallels Desktop for OS X at

Works like a charm for me.

-- Terrence

Michael Dickens wrote:
VMWare does not support OS X.

They have a beta for Intel-Mac OSX. Nothing for PPC Mac though. Expect a full release this summer, with all the great features of their other VM players.

Can you be more specific about Ubuntu, what I am supposed to get exactly.

Ubuntu is a Linux distribution. You download an ISO or CDR of it ... like a DMG on OSX except that this contains an image of the CD-ROM. You can't use it directly on your OSX Mac, but you can burn a CD with it. Get 6.10.

I've heard of C++, what is the best way to get started?

Start with 'C' if you don't do C++ yet. If you can learn on your own, "A First Book of C" might be a starting point; I'm sure there's online tutorials as well.

What is Python?

A scripting language. Much like perl, or bash/sh/csh/tcsh scripts - or AppleScipt if you've done that. Or MATLAB.

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