Salve Ryan!

On Mon, 12 Feb 2007, Ryan Kline wrote:

> >>So I propose that all members of the Open Moko mailing lists may  
> have a
> priority on purchassing a phone for testing/troubleshooting (of  
> course) if
> theire is some devices left after develpppers. :):):)
> I'll drink to that (when i'm 21). 

You will wait 8 years to do this? 
No I don't want to push you to drink alcohol in early years 
- I just want to  relativise some statements like in the 
FOSDEM threat, the "Friday Beer Event" and statments like 
"I'll buy you a beer"...
For community is drinking the same thing not so important,
or when a community is based only on this - this community
does worth nothing...

So when we have talked about spending drinks each other,
because we are looking forward to meet Sean, the other developer
and each other... and you have someday the chance to meet someone
of us active with OpenMoko - don't doubt that would include
non alcoholic drinks as well - so don't wait 8 years to
drink to that ;)

So "10 Ideas from a Non-Developer" was your first mail on 
this list, right? ;)   
Then is your first ideas
" 1. (sort of like boost mobile but,) Locate your buddies using GPS on          
           a map system. Possibly non-neo phones too... "

IMHO a remakable one, because it include the wish with a good 
interaction of OpenMoko/Neo1973 with non OpenMoko devices 
- I share the importances that OpenMoko will make communications/
interaction also with non OpenMoko users more easy and that some
cool ideas could impress non-OpenMoko users and motivate/convice
them to choose OpenMoko/Neo1973 themself - because OpeMoko2OpenMoko
communication will be even more powerfull with much more possibilities.

Getting ideas and feedback from you about the zeitgeist¹ of kids
of your age will be interesting and helpfull for all of us
- very nice that you become active on this list ;)


¹zeitgeist, a word that came from German into English:
 spirit of the age

² of course non alcoholic ;)

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