Rod Whitby wrote:
I can't believe this thread.
Anyone who is going to be a phone developer should be able to do their own 
research on phone plans.
With the attitude being displaying ("I'm out and advising others to do the 
same"), I wonder what the reaction would be to a P1 device with bugs in it.
Anyone with an attitude of "OpenMoko must spoon feed me everything" should 
probably wait for September ...
-- Rod

-----Original Message-----
The openmoko people had better provide us some information about what will work 
and what won't, or I'm out and advising others to do the same.

OpenMoko community mailing list
And since Mike couldn't read my other post that had this exact same information, I will post it one more time...just for him. This time with a little more detail.

Cingular - SmartPhone Connect or Data Connect will work
T-Mobile - Can't find the exact details, but you can sign up for a voice plan, then add on a data plan as well...those data plans will work with the Neo.

Does that help?

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