Ben Burdette wrote:

I think that the Neo1973 is both a phone and a portable handheld device. Using it as a remote control is one of the things I've personally been interested in this whole thing for. I'd like to think of the OpenMoko device as an extension of myself into the world of electronic devices. My own interface with the world ... until such time as we can get wetware to do brain-computer interfaces, ;).

Me too. I want to use the moko to control a media center PC that is connected to my stereo, for queuing up audio files and etc. My PC uses a video projector for the monitor and turning on the projector is too much trouble just for queuing up audio. Leaving the projector on uses up the bulb life too. I wonder if one of the linux based media center apps like mythTV would work for this? A custom remote control app for the moko would be best, but a web browser interface would be fine too.

hmm, bluetooth at both ends. is there a way to send a "custom" protocol between bluetooth devices without the need for a maintained serial style connection?

hmm, i wonder if mythtv already have support for bluetooth based remote control...

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