Just wanted to say that I am another user that would be interested in a
commercial mapping application running on an OpenMoko device.  I realize
that mapping requires an enormous amount of effort.  OpenStreetMap is a
noble effort, but one that I would consider in it's infancy.  Maybe someday
it could provide maps for the majority of the inhabited landmasses on earth,
but I don't think that is happening any time soon.  Even if an open project
was able to eventually map out the majority of the world, I think it would
continue to take a tremendous effort to keep those maps up to date.  This is
why I consider a commercial service to be worth paying for.

I haven't ever used a TomTom device myself, but like many such devices
TomTom does not make their own map data.  They ahve to buy their maps from
another provider (TeleAtlas).  There are a few major map providers like
this.  The other major one that i know of is Navteq (provider for Google
Maps, Yahoo Maps, Garmin navigation devices, etc.)
I'm wondering if it might be possible to have an open GPS navigation
application, which can optionally read its map data from copyrighted data
files(which the user would purchase) provided by these commercial map
I guess it is a question of whether the map providers are willing to
cooperate and divulge the details of their file format to an open source
project, or alternatively converting their data into some open format for
use with such a project.

-Hans Loeblich

P.S. Sorry Patrick I accidentally replied only to you instead of the mailing
list on my first try.

On 3/31/07, Patrick Beck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Am Samstag, den 31.03.2007, 16:01 +0200 schrieb Flemming Richter

>Therefore I would like to support openstreetmap.org

For a navigation software is OSM not enough. Not many maps, will be the

> I think tomtom should be optional in addition to openstreetmap.
> Openstreetmap should not be replaced, and it should be easy to update
> openstreetmap. We could make some nice UI for that. But people have
> different needs; and for those that need detailed maps and can afford
> it, maybe tomtom is better.

Of course should tomtom a optional software. But the first target is
that tomtom sell it for the openmoko plattform.

I like the OSM-Project. I wish me a cool gui, and a good way to create
maps, log tracks and view maps one the Neo1973. And of course complete
maps ;)

But for car navi and so one, OSM will at the moment the wrong project.

I will contact tomtom later per email and ask my question ;)

Greets Patrick Beck

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