I've enjoyed watching the openmoko project grow - and I think it's a massive 
boost to the philosophy behind the project (and possibly to the perceived 
sustainability of the project) that another company is able to take the 
hardware specs and port their applications to the neo1973.  I think it's good 
to have the qt stuff going on, but openmoko need to stick with the direction in 
which they're headed.

Source sharing behind the scenes may benefit many of the core developers - but 
the openmoko project has set a fantastic example... were it not for openmoko 
then would qtopia ever have been able to become GPL'd.

Congratulations to Sean for his untiring work on Software Freedom.

I think today we've seen a dream come true (TM).

On Tue, 18 Sep 2007 16:00:51 GMT, Giles Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Michael Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote :
>> Hi, great news, but what does this mean?
>> We need a posting of the projekt management, will Neo s Menue switch to
> QT?
>> This means a GTK application will not work?
>> Or: Any QT-Applicaiton will work now automatically?
> Quite simply if you have an X server running and you launch an app using
> QT it will read the libraries and launch. Same with a GTK app.
> Of course there may not be room in the ROM for both, but it's possible to
> install the libraries on a memory card and use a symbolic link or entry in
> the library path so they can be found.
> Typically the argument for QT is ease of programming, there's a good IDE
> called KDevelop. GTK's argument typically is that it's GPL and faster.
> OpenMoko should stick to what it is doing already.
> ---
> G O Jones
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