Very true, ....BUT... and this is a big but....

FIC or some other smart manufacturer has to clone the iPhone's form factor
details and performance points.

I have lived with my iPhone now for a few weeks and I simply LOVE it.  I
bought TWO more for my wife and daughter.  Yes, the software IS a big part
of it, but the hardware design is NOT to be discounted here.

I have stated here on list that future FIC designs need to be more like the
iPhone.  Apple has chosen it's (obviously wrong) direction and FIC and
others have an opportunity to step in and give the world what it wants.

In my humble opinion, and I know I'm going to take a lot of arrows for
this, FIC needs to halt the GTA02 work and re-form factor the design to
have a larger, glass protected screen.

There is only about a six month window here that Apple has left open. 
Someone will clone this form factor and slap an OSS stack on it (QTopia?)
and I'd like to see FIC/OpenMoko be the first out of the gate.


Original Message:
From: Ian Darwin [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2007 09:12:05 -0400
Subject: Apple's heavy hand an opportunity for Linux smartphones

BBC NEWS | Technology | Apple iPhone warning proves true

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