Randall Mason wrote:
How are there so many people who know so little about cell phones, GPS, and PDAs that claim to be supporting projects on this phone?
I would challenge you on that flame Mr Ignoramus. I dont have to prove anything to you as I dont need your sanction.
How did you convince your company to start these projects?
Because I have several patents (working in industry) making a lot of money and have 100's of large industrial corporations as customers.
Why was Michael's initial post saying that 850MHz is not supported because of hardware layout not enough? How do people decide that they want quad band phones without knowing what they really are and why they would want them (besides "wow, quad band works everywhere, right? Great, I'll just get quad band so I never have to think!")?

Because simply put, IT WONT WORK in rural areas remotely as well as another cell phone supporting both bands. Been there done that. Cant you get it!?

Anyway I will unsubscribe as I am not interested in non-factual hothead behavior.

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