Hi Jay,

Thanks for your enthusiasm.

Jay Vaughan wrote:

We're still testing the hardware and gathering up little issues before determining whether we need to create another version of the board. We still expect to start shipping Neo FreeRunner sometime in the next few months. As always, we can't be more specific, because we're not sure.

As a GTA01 early-adopter and avid hacker on the platform, I simply can't wait for the GTA02 to be available. My apps are raring to go on a completed phone. So is there going to be any chance that you guys might set up an "early-adopter" list, upon which we avid fanboix can place ourselves, that will mean we get the phones as soon as they are shipping? I'd be willing to place a pre-order, even, for 2 of them.

We've discussed this, but have not been able to figure out a way to do this. For instance, it is illegal to take money before things are ready to ship. There are other complications. You would not believe how difficult it is to set up a web store for a company in Taiwan to sell things around the world that ship from the USA. Ask roh how much fun he's having setting up the web store.

I'm that much of a neo1973 gimp .. and once I've got those 2, I'd be happy to get a box of 10 shipped my way for all my users, too.

For quantities of 10 or more you should talk to Steve ([EMAIL PROTECTED])


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