Am 10.01.2008 um 22:20 schrieb Michael Shiloh:
We're still testing the hardware and gathering up little issues before determining whether we need to create another version of the board. We still expect to start shipping Neo FreeRunner sometime in the next few months. As always, we can't be more specific, because we're not sure.

That's all for now. As always, I welcome your feedback, questions, comments, and concerns.

many thanks for this update.

One nitpicking question is about interpreting the word "next few months": does it mean something between 3 and 7 months from now? I.e. April to July? Or does it mean a version shipping with final software to end-users but developers can get it earlier?

And, if it is the developer device that comes in the next few months - how long is the GTA01 device still available (despite all its known problems), since some projects can't wait and need a development and test platform and prototype/demonstrator units...


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