Hi Tim

While it is possible I think it's quite unlikely. When switchmode power supplies die they normally destroy themselves. I would expect, if damage occurred due to usb powered battery removal, the phone would be dead rather than develop booting problems.


Tim Knapp wrote:
Hi Ben,

Yeah I've done this *once* and it freaked me out. I'm still a bit
concerned I've caused some permanent damage on my Neo as I've had
problems booting images on the nand ever since but sdcard images work
fine - jury is still out on that one.


On Tue, 2008-03-04 at 13:45 +1300, Ben Wilson wrote:

Just a reminder to everyone *NOT* to pull out the battery while the neo has USB power.

You may not have heard it but the phone gets quite angry. As evident by a quiet scream the phone emits as the components in its power system begin to vibrate closer to magic smoke land.

Talking with people on IRC most have done this on occasion without any damage. However you are definitely risking permanent damage with the chance increasing with every second it is in this state.

My advice would be… Don't do it and if you do it by accident then pull the plug out quickly rather than listening to the interesting sound.

(I don’t know if this also applies to gta02 or not)


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