On Wednesday 19 March 2008, Steven ** wrote:
> Was reading Planet OpenMoko and found the following at
> http://www.vanille-media.de/site/index.php/2008/03/18/from-switzerland-to-b
> "The price range for the Neo FreeRunner has been published, it's going
> to be less than 400 USD — which is quite a substantial improvement
> over the estimated 650 that was published last year."
> Was the price range really published?  Where is it?

From Sean's 'New Oceans' post on 2007-06-28:

"GTA02 (AKA: The Mass Market Neo 1973) is on schedule to go on sale in
October. It will have the following new hardware components:

 * 802.11 b/g WiFi
 * Samsung 2442 SoC
 * SMedia 3362 Graphics Accelerator
 * 2 3D Accelerometers
 * 256MB Flash

We will sell this device through multiple channels. Direct from
openmoko.com, the price will be $450 for the Neo Base and $600 for Neo
Advanced. "

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