On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 7:09 PM, ian douglas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Vincent wrote:
> >     2. 19% VAT in germany
> >     3. x% additional fees (recycling, ...) in germany/europe
> >
> > Regarding points 1, 2, 3 and 6 - doesn't the US have something similar?
> 2. I'm originally from Canada, but my experience in the US is that each
> state, and sometimes within separate counties within the state can
> charge varying amounts of tax. On a whole though, the Federal government
> does not add a value-added tax (VAT), like the Canadian government does
> with the GST (goods and services tax).
> 3. California typically charges an "environmental waste impact" (or some
> similarly-phrased term) for electronics. I don't know about other
> states. We're all supposed to be a bunch of tree-huggers or something
> out here /shrug

> > Regarding 5 - shouldn't the prices be according to current exchange
> > rates? Isn't that the whole point of exchange rates?
> Currency exchange rates can be pretty volatile though, and basing a
> price on a currency that's fluctuating a lot (like the US dollar), in my
> opinion, doesn't make as much sense. At the same time, marketing the
> Freerunner in, say, Euros, might make these Americans around me feel
> alienated or something. ;o)

Yeah sorry, I didn't use the best wording. With "current", I meant "when the
Freerunner arrives"...

> Just my $0.02 ... plus tax.

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