Marcin Juszkiewicz ha scritto:

> "Automotive Navigation Data (AND) is a leading provider of location, 
> routing, mapping and address management are donating a street network of 
> the entire Netherlands. Yes, an entire country."
> It was not done by community but by commercial company...
so what? the idea behind OSM, as I see it, is not only to produce new
data, but also to put pressure on data holders to set their data free.
OSM has been very successful in Holland and Ireland, and things are
moving fast also here in Italy, where several municipalities are giving
their data to the project.
Anyway, if you do not believe in free software and data, I think you can
be happy with an N95 or similar.
Paolo Cavallini, see:
Noi ci troviamo con parecchie difficoltà con NGI

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