The phone needs an application where we can configure which of all
these ideas we want to use (sending coordinates & phone no, detecting
if out of reach from BT device, etc).

I would like my phone to log the GPS info + current phone no to my
server, where the information would be stored in a mysql DB with a
It should always send the information when free internet is available.
I would also like it to send the same information over an SMS to a
preconfigured phone no if current_sim is not in the allowed_sim_cards

for (i=0;i<num_of_legal_sim_cards: i++){
  if (current_sim == legal_sim_cards[i]) allowed++;
if (!allowed) send_edata_sms(receiver_no);

On 4/4/08, Federico Lorenzi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One of the really cool ideas is the bluetooth one as mentioned before.
> You can pick up a cheap bluetooth headset for next to nothing, and all
> you do is carry it around with you. When / if the neo detects it is
> out of range / past a specific RSSI, then it will start making noise.
> Not necessarily screaming 'I AM BEING STOLEN' but maybe play a song at
> full volume and start vibrating like crazy. You could also have it so
> if it goes past a specific RSSI it sends a message to the headset, to
> be discrete :)
> Cheers,
> Federico

If we should use this, we should not delete the data on the server. It
is much better to use a versioning system like svn or cvs on the
server for two reasons:
1) If you mess up some config files or delete something, you can
always get it back
2) It would be less information to sync

Setting up a svn server is very easy.
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