On 4/7/08, Didier Raboud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * If I loose or let my Moko being stolen, I can find my connection
> parameters (on the paper) and go to track.openmoko.com and there I can
> find
> 24 coordinates a day. This could help me find it back or help the police
> find it back. Of course, if the Moko is turned off, it won't be possible
> to
> track it. But as soon as it is turned on again (even if flashed with
> default image), it will restart to send coordinates to the default server
> with its SIM-change and flash-change prone ID.

There is only one problem with this. If the phone is flashed, the the flash
will be erased/overwritten and the program to transmit the coordinates will
be gone.

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