On 17 May 2008, at 18:16, Doug Hawkins wrote:
There are a few "hassles" with the Nokia software that I'm looking forward to making sure are "clean" with the OpenMoko system when I get to start playing on one. One is that on some "free" (airport & community) WiFi systems, you have to open a web page and "accept" the terms and conditions before it will allow any traffic (VoIP or otherwise), so I'd like to make a routine that will run a config script to accept the "terms" based on the network I'm connecting with (e.g.: look up ESSID in a database to find out that a certain webpage's button needs to be 'clicked' and perform that task). The other is to optionally connect to any open WiFi networks as I pass through them (ESSID scanning & connect attempts through open AP's).

I'm not sure that this should be handled by the VoIP software.

Although I'd like VoIP on my Freerunner, a greater priority for me is that the IMAP client should automatically check for new messages.

On my present mobile (Sony Ericson P990i) one has to open the messaging program, select the IMAP account and then "select send & receive" from a drop-down menu. That this is so fiddly simply means that I never do it, and if I must check for an important new message when away from home then the client has to sync through weeks of new messages in my inbox (yes, I should keep it more tidy!) before downloading today's messages.

I had envisioned writing a Bash script to run in cron every few minutes: to switch on wifi, scan for networks and connect to any on an "allowed" list; a background IMAP send-and-receive can then be performed if a working wifi connection is found. If we are to have multiple applications checking for wifi availability then I guess that should be done in one place?


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