On Saturday 24 May 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Am 23.05.2008 um 20:49 schrieb Lorn Potter:
> >> If anyone is in the position to change that, it's we.
> >>
> >>
> >> I don't like so sound to negative. I like most of the changes.
> >> But i think throwing the gtk apps away and replace them by the QTopia
> >> apps is stupid.
> >> I would rather like to see a transition to EFL for the gtk apps.
> >>
> >> Everything i have seen so far from qtopia apps looks bland and  
> >> boring.
> >
> > Qtopia is easily changed/hacked on. The source code is provided for  
> > free. You
> > would be amazed at what some of Qtopia's customers are doing with  
> > it. It's
> > got styles/theming, has dynamic layouting, and easy translating even  
> > for LTR
> > languages.
> I like  to get surprised... :)
> >> I like the qtopia plattform, as a plattform. But i don't think it's  
> >> the
> >> way to build the nerdiest phone ever. Especially after so much was  
> >> done
> >> right before in a completely different way.
> >>
> >> Qtopia AFAIK has it's own pim storage api. How would non-qt apps  
> >> use them?
> >
> > Qtopia pim data are stored in a sqlite database. It is not a secret,  
> > nor is it
> > proprietary or locked down. So your application has a choice whether  
> > to use
> > some library that can access sqlite (Qtopia has that of course), or  
> > use the
> > commandline interface to sqlite.
> Well, that is a long time after embedded evolution data server was  
> declared the way to go on openmoko.
> And just my 2 Eurocents. I think this was a good decision.
> >> And the gsm stuff? Does this mean we now use the qtpia gsm stack?
> >> letting gsmd die would probably one of the better ideas. But i rather
> >> like so see it replaced by something similar but working instead of a
> >> set of qt apis.
> >
> > What is wrong with Qtopia's gsm stack? For the most part, it works.  
> > It doesn't
> > crash, and can send and receive sms messages. and best of all, it's  
> > already
> > written and working. If someone wrote/'ported' a wap stack, it would  
> > even do
> > mms.
> AFAIK it's a qt-API not a daemon, server whatever.
> I assume this means the dialer app becomes part of the phone framework?

The dialer can be replaced. It is not part of the QtopiaPhoneModem library, it 
is part of the server.

> Same concerns as for the PIM stuff. This makes gui apps infrastructure.

Qtopia is not one big binary. It has it's own libraries. The apps are separate 
from the libraries.

> > Let's put it this way. Once I got the hardware, it took me less than  
> > week to
> > have Qtopia up and sending/receiving sms's and making phone calls.
> I always wondered why no one took teyr code and put it into something  
> like gsmd.
> *g*

Because the gsm code in Qtopia is specific to Qt and Qtopia.

Lorn 'ljp' Potter
Software Engineer, Systems Group, MES, Trolltech

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