I am not sure how low-level you are talking, but driver wise, you can expose the API given from specific manufactures over a socket (like capi I believe)

I guess some could be opened sourced, but when it comes to TI and the gsm radio, I dont see anyone that would allow for that. Again, it depends on the level of access. If you mean firmware design, I bet its all licensing issues.

Please, Correct me if I'm wrong.

That is just how I understand it ;)

Brandon Kruse

On Jun 1, 2008, at 8:53 AM, "Chris Wright" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Openmoko phones are as cheap as they are because they use commodity
hardware, I'm given to understand. If you wanted a phone with open
hardware, you'd probably be paying thousands for all the custom
components. Plus there's testing and certification for various parts,
which probably is also expensive....

It's doable, but it'd be harder by far than the OGP. And consider that
the first card released by the OGP costs $1500, which is two or three
times the cost of the more expensive commodity cards, while delivering
less performance (their target is 20fps in Quake 3 at 1280x1024).

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