On 2008-06-09 09:09:15 -0400, Ken Young wrote:
> The question should be "Are you willing to give up the benefits of a
> VGA screen in order to have smooth animation and fast video on a QVGA
> screen, and a lower cost?".   It seems to me that the vast majority of
> the people who have reponded here have said no, that's a poor
> engineering trade off.

I don't have an openmoko yet, so I don't know how the display actually
looks or how slow it is. I also don't know what I will use the
freerunner for once I get it. But I image that the majority of uses
involves text (email, news, ssh) which should really be displayed at 80
chars/line. Probably simple graphics, too (e.g., maps). But I don't
think I'll use it to watch videos or play 3d games - so high video
performance isn't a high priority for me.

My gut feeling is that 640x480 at 2.8" is awfully small (I've
printed a screen-shot of an 80x25 windows (with mutt displaying a
message from this list) at that size - I can read it, but I think
reading longer messages at that font size would be a pain). So I think
the direction openmoko should be going in later models (GTA04?) is
towards a larger display with at least the same resolution (maybe
640x480 at 4.2", or maybe a wider display (800x480?))


   _  | Peter J. Holzer    | It took a genius to create [TeX],
|_|_) | Sysadmin WSR       | and it takes a genius to maintain it.
| |   | [EMAIL PROTECTED]         | That's not engineering, that's art.
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