Hey all.

I live in Canada (Calgary) and am looking at buying the FreeRunner.
I've also noticed that there is no 3G support.  I presently have a
BlackBerry 8700 on Rogers EDGE network, with a data plan.  I'm confused
in whether EDGE is 3G or 2G.  On the Wikipedia page:
"While EDGE is part of the 3G standard, some phones report EDGE and 3G
network availability as separate things, notably the iPhone."

However, on the same Wikipedia page, under the Mobile Communication
standard chart, they list EDGE under the GSM (2G) section.

Paint me confused.  :-)  Can I (in theory, at least) access Rogers' EDGE
network, and hence get data/internet access on the FreeRunner?  Or get a
data plan on Fido and use it with the FreeRunner (as my Rogers contract
is coming due in a month or two).


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