On Thu, 2008-07-03 at 20:58 +0200, Alexander Frøyseth wrote:
> Philippe Guillebert skrev:
> > Todd Courtnage wrote:
> >   
> >> Hey all.
> >>
> >> I live in Canada (Calgary) and am looking at buying the FreeRunner.
> >> I've also noticed that there is no 3G support.  I presently have a
> >> BlackBerry 8700 on Rogers EDGE network, with a data plan.  I'm confused
> >> in whether EDGE is 3G or 2G.  
> >>     
> > Hi,
> >
> > Edge is often referred to "2,75G".
> >
> > To sum it up :
> >
> > 2G is plain old GSM (9.6kbits/sec)
> > 2,5G is GPRS (about 50 kbits/sec)
> > 2,75G is EDGE (about 200 kbits/sec)
> > 3G is HSDPA (up to a few Mbits/sec)
> >
> > Neo Freerunner is GPRS-capable. Not awesome, but enough to check mails 
> > or things like that.
> >
> >   
> And thats exacly what I does on the mobile net :)
> Expect for calling and sms

Hey, thanks for everyones responses, that cleared up things immensely.
And, after I posted (and thought that I researched it thoroughly), I saw
on openmoko.com, it specifically says no EDGE support.  Silly me.

I am curious, would EDGE support be a potential software upgrade?  Or
does it require new hardware?

I'm torn between buying one now and waiting and see what comes out in
the coming months.  :-)


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