Matt Joyce wrote:
> The wiki has some interesting info on GSM :
> The AT commands to interact with the hardware are here :
> (I wonder if they are an extension of the earlier dial up modem
> commands ala Hayes?)
> here's how you use the commands:
> these command may work for you :
>         r       Register to network
>         R       Register to given operator (R=number)
>         U       Unregister from netowrk
>         P       Print current operator
>         N       Print current operator in numeric
>         L       List available operators
>         Q       Read signal quality
>         nr      Query network registration
> As I mentioned, I wanted to find all contactable sites, but didn't
> find a command for that.
That was a huge help. What I need now is a way to pass commands from the
cli and have it return values to the cli rather than operating in the
shell. So then I can write a script to do it and log to a file. I want
it to run while I drive around, so I don't have to stop on tap on the
tiny keyboard. Any suggestions?

I was able to do the following today, from home:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/volatile/log# libgsmd-tool -m shell
libgsm-tool - (C) 2006-2007 by Harald Welte and OpenMoko, Inc.
This program is Free Software and has ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY

# # List operators
31026 T - Mobile, T - Mob for short, is our current operator
31056 Cellular One DC, Cell On for short, is available
31041 Cingular, Cingula for short, is available

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