I read that yesterday someone asked the same question but there was no good 
answer. I don't know how full my freerunner is so I can't take it with me when 
I go out because I'm afraid it's going to be deep unloaded and bricked than.

On the getting started guid is written we shall load our freerunner full when 
using it for the first time which is pretty funny if there's no possibilty to 
know how full the freerunner is at all.

In the other post was written apm is broken?

I flashed today a new kernel and FSO (milestone 2) image on my neo but still 
cat /proc/apm shows also for me -1% 1 at the end. 
apm -v shows APM BIOS 1.2 (kernel driver 1.13)
and apm -V just shows apm version 3.2.1.

cat /sys/devices/platform/bq2700-battery.0/power_supply/bat/time_to_full_now
cat /sys/devices/platform/bq2700-battery.0/power_supply/bat/status
Not charging  <--- but it's plugged via USB
cat /sys/devices/platform/bq2700-battery.0/power_supply/bat/current_now
0 <--- no consumption at all?? But it's switched on ;)

So with which kernel, apm is not broken and I can check how full my battery is? 
Or should it work with FSO 2 and my freerunner is just defect?

Any help how I can see how much % my battery is loaded is really really 

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