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Somebody in the thread at some point said:
| Hi, I read that yesterday someone asked the same question but there
| was no good answer. I don't know how full my freerunner is so I can't
| take it with me when I go out because I'm afraid it's going to be
| deep unloaded and bricked than.
| On the getting started guid is written we shall load our freerunner
| full when using it for the first time which is pretty funny if
| there's no possibilty to know how full the freerunner is at all.

No normally it gives you a good idea :-)

| In the other post was written apm is broken?

No, it is just the battery is not used yet I think, so the coulomb
counter in the battery sends "dunno" information for predictions.

| cat
| /sys/devices/platform/bq2700-battery.0/power_supply/bat/time_to_full_now
|  3932100 cat
| /sys/devices/platform/bq2700-battery.0/power_supply/bat/status Not
| charging  <--- but it's plugged via USB cat
| /sys/devices/platform/bq2700-battery.0/power_supply/bat/current_now 0
| <--- no consumption at all?? But it's switched on ;)

No consumption from *battery* because it uses USB power :-)  It only
tells you about battery view of current flow.

| So with which kernel, apm is not broken and I can check how full my
| battery is? Or should it work with FSO 2 and my freerunner is just
| defect?

No I think it's OK.

| Any help how I can see how much % my battery is loaded is really
| really welcome!!

Have a look in here:


this is the estimate for percentage full on battery.  It can be wrong
initially, I think it would be good to run the device for a while with
just battery, then charge and then I think these estimates can be more
realistic from coulomb counter.

- -Andy
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