On Wednesday 24 September 2008, Christian Weßel wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 23.09.2008, 22:55 -0600 schrieb -stacy:
> > First, lets look at the players in this mess...
> >
> > gpsd - this is our good old friend from http://gpsd.berlios.de/ "True
> >         gpsd" someone called it.
> > ogpsd - this is a subsystem of FSO's frameworkd. It replaces gpsd
> >          it implements the Gypsy API communicating with applications
> >          via dbus
> > fso-gpsd - is a compatibility shim to translate Gypsy messages for
> >             applications that expect gpsd
> > tangogps - a map/gps application
> > tangogps-fso - a version of tangogps that has been modified to
> >                 understand Gypsy messages
> >
> > <sarcasm>
> > I don't know how you could find this confusing.
> > </sarcasm>
> >
> > That is why I said "something is talking to your GPS", if you have a
> > stock FSO then you have ogpsd talking to the gps and tangogps (the FSO
> > version) and Zhone are getting their data via Gypsy. You don't need
> > gpsd
> > or fso-gpsd in this situation.
> Thanx for the detail explaination, but I am still a little confused.
> After installation of Debian I followed the tangogps guide from OM wiki.
> I installed fso-gps and tangogps, both with <apt-get install fso-gps
> tangogps> and it doesn't work together. Neither 'location' nor 'tango'.
> After a selfmade confusion with my servers iptables I installed also
> netutils-ping and dnsutils. Thats all.
> So, please give me a hint what to de-install and which combination to
> install and how to configured it. Maybe also the startup with zhone gui,
> currently I need to start tangogps by xterm.
> BTW, I checked my process list and couldn't find any other gpsd except
> fso-gpsd:
> > debian-gta02:~# ps -ef|grep gps
> > root      1524     1  0 11:32 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/fso-gpsd -P
> > /var/run/fso-gpsd.pid
> The reboot was several hours before...

I think you need ogpsd running too. ogpsd talks to the gps and outputs data in 
gypsy format over dbus. fso-gpsd reads gypsy format data from dbus and 
outputs gpsd format data for apps needing to use gpsd.

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