My brother feels exactly like you.
he's not really a techie and depends on me for most stuff....however i 
tought him how to report bugs and watch the tracker, but he gets 
dissapointed that whenever he tries to report something its either 
already there or he doesnt have the logs required.
Thing is, he packed his freerunner in the box and saved it for when its 
more developed (aka, ready).
I'm more of a tinkerer so im happy to have a half-assed phone, with lots 
of noise and echo and not a good alarm (i had to buy something else to 
wake me in the morning reliably), and usually flash every other distro 
every other day and test stuff.

However, I do believe that there's lack of community communication with 
openmoko...we dont know their plan or priorities (ie, for many many 
users, first and foremost we need a phone without noise or echo, but 
there seems to be little done by openmoko in that area).
Also showing lack of focus is the releases. There have been some patches 
that dont appear to be implemented in 2008.x but FDOM has had it since 
the beginning (gtk fix, dns resolv, or the infamous keyboard debate)

I think that's it for now, sorry for the long post, but it's 2 users 
around here.


Risto H. Kurppa escribió:
> I don't know how others feel but I really don't feel like reporting
> bugs in the bug tracker [3]. OK, I'm running an unsupported distro
> (2007.2) so there's one reason but I also feel that it's okay to post
> kernel bugs only there, not anything that a normal user would see in
> his GUI. Is this correct or just a feeling or misunderstanding?
> Remember that all Freerunner owners and people here in the community
> are not kernel developers. I don't even know how to save back traces
> or hack the source code but I'm happy to report if something doesn't
> work and then when someone more skillful finds what's wrong and
> eventually fixes it, I'm again happy to try if the fix works for me.
> For some reason I feel that there's no space in the community for
> users like me.

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