Risto H. Kurppa wrote:
> Other community members:
>     * How do you feel about the current situation? How happy are you
> with the community?
>     * Do you feel well informed? Do you know what's the direction
> we're heading to?
>     * How would you like to contribute?

Hello Risto

Thank you for your post. I think you wrote something that a lot of
person think.

I can only add my personal point of view:
I don't know what Openmoko is working for, for me their work is a dbus
interface. It seem to be a very good work!

For the rest I don't use 200*.* I am using Debian and I am happy with
it. I use the programs from Debian and I am trying to supply what still
not exist.

According me we must to try to develop the missiong application for
200*.* to make it usable. I tryed and I saw that is not too much
complicated, there are very usefull dbus interface.

So... In the end, I don't considerate myself unrespected. There is only
a lot of work to do, and who can must to try to help on the accessory
part that trasform a normal phone, in a super phone.

Best regards
Michele Renda

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