El día Thursday, October 09, 2008 a las 09:20:05PM +0100, Arigead escribió:

> Steve Mosher wrote:
> > We should allow for links to peoples pages.
> >
> >   
> Hate to throw a spanner in the works but I think ideally the information 
> should be on the wiki and maintained there. How up to date is the info 
> on an external site, if it isn't maintained, or how do you know it is 
> maintained?
> There is an external link on the GPRS wiki page to a German site for 
> installing the GSM Multiplexor and a GUI. I've been trying to get those 
> instructions to work for the last couple of days. I assume I'm getting 
> something wrong but how can I be sure, given the speed things change in 
> OpenMoko, the instructions still work.
> Of course I'm talking about the ideal world but I know that the wiki is 
> maintained so I'm more trusting of info there and more likely to bring 
> problems with the info to peoples attention.

I fully agree with this opinion of Arigead and I will put my stuff about
Wifi and GPRS/PPP which I have in my private pages and external linked
from the Wiki to these pages into the Wiki itself;

in general (and without blaming nobody) I have to say about the Wiki
that a lot of stuff there is outdated and not well maintained; it is
sometimes also not very clear if the information/hints/changes are for the newer
Om2008.[8|9] versions or for older Om2007.2 version;

btw: the last days I have moved around a lot with my FR between home,
office and a hospital, ... but without any reboot:

 09:31:05 up 2 days, 27 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.12, 0.25, 0.29

and when I came today morning in my office, the FR Wifi came up just

Matthias Apitz
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