
In the last days (nights :-)) I did some tests with GPS on my FR and
here are the results in compact form; 




12. GPS

   Install the following packages:

   # opkg install gpsd
   # opkg install http://www.tangogps.org/downloads/tangogps_0.9.3-r1_armv4t.ipk
   # opkg install openmoko-agpsui
   # opkg install gpsdcontrol_0.3_all.opk

   The last one (gpsdcontrol) removes the starting of the 'gpsd' from the boot
   run-level, which is a good idea at all for saving power;

   One must edit the /etc/default/gpsd to point it to the correct serial device
   of the GSM antenna:

   # vi /etc/default/gpsd

   gpsdcontrol as well powers on the GSM antenna by writing '1' to the drivers
   file; you could do this as well (and you should if you don't use gpsdcontrol)
   in the gpsd start script /etc/init.d/gpsd in the start/stop sequence, writing
   '1' on start and '0' on stop;

   echo 1 > /sys/class/i2c-adapter/i2c-0/0-0073/neo1973-pm-gps.0/pwron

   in any case you must correct a bug in the /etc/init.d/gpsd which tries to 
   the gpsd, but kills to the running script itself;

       killall gpsd

       pgrep -x gpsd | grep -v "$$" | xargs -r kill

   The installed tool openmoko-agpsui allows you to check if your GSM antenna
   and chip work fine; some notes about this, GSM and TTFF:

   - openmoko-agpsui does not need the 'gpsd' to be started and it goes out of 
     way if some application (like tangoGPS) instructs the 'gpsd' to read the 
GSM chip;

   - the internal radio antenna of the GSM chip is in the upper part of the
     Freerunner, above the loudspeaker; while waiting for TTFF (Time To First
     Fix) use the FR in upright position (and with nothing above it, no 
     no trees, no hand or other parts of your body);

   - I managed TTFF between 23 seconds and 400 seconds which is good enough if 
     keep in mind the small antenna; the Wiki explains about TTFF for cold start
     (and the FR do this) about ~15 minutes:

   - in the 'SS' menu of the openmoko-agpsui you can check after TTFF very good
     the number of the satellites and the strength of their signals; any value
     greater then -145 dbm should be fine; I normally manage average values 
     -130 dbm;
   - I normally use openmoko-agpsui to get the First Fix and after this I start
     the gpsd and tangoGPS which find the GSM chip already well located on 

   - some screenshoots of openmoko-agpsui can be seen here:  

   Some notes about tangoGPS:

   - my cached maps are now stored in the SD card:

     # mkdir /media/card/osm
     # rm -rf OSM
     # ln -s /media/card/osm OSM

   - I pre-fetched maps with some tool from 
     which let me define the two points of a rectangle, generate the URL's of
     OpenStreetMap and fetch down the *.png files which I store below 
     where tangoGPS will pick them up; see the README of the tar-ball for more
     details; for example the complete city of Munich inside the Highway-Ring 
     are some 3000 files for zoom level 11-16 and occupy only ~32 MByte;

   - I run tangoGPS as well in my FreeBSD laptops and connect it to the 'gpsd'
     which runs on the Freerunner, i.e. using the Freerunner as the GSM device
     for my laptop; this give you better view to the maps with tangoGPS, of 
course :-) 

   more information:

   Wiki: http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Neo_FreeRunner_GPS


Matthias Apitz
Manager Technical Support - OCLC GmbH
Gruenwalder Weg 28g - 82041 Oberhaching - Germany
t +49-89-61308 351 - f +49-89-61308 399 - m +49-170-4527211
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