On Thu, 2009-05-07 at 13:53 +0300, Risto H. Kurppa wrote:
> ps. there is a community effort to create a script to add the required
> apps & hacks to 'plain' 2009 in http://etherpad.com/zt3x1x7ERX - it'll
> eventually be the kustomizer for 2009 (for kustomizer, see
> http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Kustomizer ) - feel free to add your
> lines there..

callrec is in the feeds now so there shouldn't be any need to install it
from an outside source. Is there a dictator recipe somewhere ?

There are 4 apps that I would add to the feed if there were bitbake
recipes for them pythm, woosh, intone and mokomaze. The players would
need to to have mp3 support installed from outside the OM feeds. I'm
also open to suggestions of other applications.


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