There is no bitbake recipe for dictator so far. Unfortunately!
And I think there won't be, cause I don't know how to make one and I
ain't got the time to get used to it.
So, is there someone who can do that? It won't be too hard, for it's
just a python-something.

Angus Ainslie schrieb:
> On Thu, 2009-05-07 at 13:53 +0300, Risto H. Kurppa wrote:
>> ps. there is a community effort to create a script to add the required
>> apps & hacks to 'plain' 2009 in - it'll
>> eventually be the kustomizer for 2009 (for kustomizer, see
>> ) - feel free to add your
>> lines there..
> callrec is in the feeds now so there shouldn't be any need to install it
> from an outside source. Is there a dictator recipe somewhere ?
> There are 4 apps that I would add to the feed if there were bitbake
> recipes for them pythm, woosh, intone and mokomaze. The players would
> need to to have mp3 support installed from outside the OM feeds. I'm
> also open to suggestions of other applications.
> Angus
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