Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Jun 2009 17:10:49 +0200 Michal Brzozowski <> said:
>> I'm amazed how much you guys can theorize about the idea before actually
>> trying it.
> i theorize because hat's what i've done for decades doing code, ui etc. i sit
> and think about how something will work months or years before i do it. that's
> how i figure out how to make something that could be fast in what it does - by
> theorizing on usage patterns, internal data and logic flow etc.etc. months or
> years before it ever actually works (and then smile as all the thinking paid
> off).
>> Is it because of allergy to patents? I bet we could use the general idea if
>> we wanted to, without violating the patent. Just change the shape of the
>> keys or something.
> patents are an area which could literally wipe out my entire life's savings if
> taken to court, shown to willfully infringe. you need to check up on patent
> law and the sonsequences. if you willfully infringe (KNOW something is
> patented and then use it anyway), you don't have a leg to stand on in a court.
> maybe you have nothing to lose - i definitely do and won't touch something i
> KNOW is patented. better never tell me it's patented - then at least i have a
> leg to stand on.

    yep. triple damages. When doing 3D graphics we NEVER looked at 
patents, otherwise we couldnt build shit.

    hehe.. dirty little secret raster.. I got two software patents 
(company forced me to), wanna read them?

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