On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 06:37:03PM +1200, Robin Paulson wrote:
> 2009/8/11 Rui Miguel Silva Seabra <r...@1407.org>:
> > To me it has never worked, but never means in images 20090721 and 20090808 
> > of shr-u
> >
> > It doesn't even bother to set the SSID, but I don't know who's really at 
> > fault here,
> > mokonnect or connman.
> >
> > Anyway, connman is a real piece of crap (but NetworkManager is just 
> > marginally
> > lesser crap) sprout from people with NIH sindrome who don't understand NM.
> does wifi work yet with newer kernels? i heard some time back that .29
> had issues. i don't think i've ever got wifi to work

I don't have any problems connecting with mofi.
Sure after, connecting I do "wmiconfig -i eth0 --power maxperf" and then keep a 
running just to know if the connection is alive, but mofi establishes the wifi
connection and then it works.

With connman+mokonnect I have had ZERO success, so if it works for someone, 
that person has made some undocumented adjustment he can't remember or the 
versions don't work and he's not running them.



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