> If the app doesn't have FSO support, use fsoraw to request the resource.

_now_ i am confused.
in my understanding
- "resources" are an fso concept -- thus, no fso support, no resource
- fsoraw uses fso calls to utilize the resource -- no resource, no way to  
use fsoraw

>> why using fsoraw, why isn't fso sufficient?
>    You are confused. Fsoraw uses FSO.

sorry, but imo _you_ are confused. i never denied, fsoraw using fso.

what i always tried to find out, and i understand now even less than  
before: what is the rationale for fsoraw?

if it does nothing but requesting the resource, a dbus call would do  
exactly the same w/o need of an additional app (and second one to release  
afterwards, of course).
if it does soemthing a dbus call won't be able to deliver, why isn't fso  
extended to include that functionality?

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