Kahless <ha...@gmx.li> writes:
> - Which Headset do you use? My  Headset ("Bluetrek Tattoo") does not 
> give me any sound. I can pair and connect it, but while phoning, theres 
> just a (like no line) Buzz/Static-Noise.

Hm, sounds just like the one i tried to use. Please read the wiki
page Manually_using_bluetooth, the section where it talks about bluez4
and GSM headsets. Then borrow another headset and try with it. If it
works, please add information about both to the list of bluetooth
headsets [1]. It'd also be interesting to try disable_esco=1 but i
doubt it will help.

[1] http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/List_of_bluetooth_headsets
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