Ben Cadieux wrote:
> Hi Brolin,
> Just a few things to remember:
> 1. This list is public; these posts will remain available through
> search engines for quite some time.

Yes, I realise this.  I explicated this realisation in my original post:

“Can anyone relate to me?  What should I do?  I know I have volunteered 
a lot of personal information in this post, but much of it is already 
publicly accessible for those who know my real/legal name and know how 
to use tools such as Google Search.  I have been considering writing a 
post like this for months (maybe already >1 year), but I ended up 
stopping writing early because I felt uncomfortable about volunteering 
so much personal information.  What do I have to lose, though?  I need 
to stop being so self-conscious.”

>  You have posted many details that
> may cause you trouble or embarrassment in the future.

Can you provide some specific examples, other than saying I want to fuck 
Tamara, which should not surprise her since she already knew that?  I 
know some people think I should not have mentioned her (full) name in 
such a context, but it is too late now.

I do not think I have posted anything (very) embarrassing.  I also do 
not think members of this list want to embarrass me.  Most of the 
members who have replied appear to want to help me, not embarrass me.  I 
guess you were probably referring to details which could cause 
embarrassment if read by someone who found them via a search engine. 
However, I am not concerned about embarrassment because I believe I have 
nothing to lose by volunteering the personal information in my previous 
posts.  For example, I would not have met Alishams if I never posted my 
original message in this thread.
> 2. Think about what others need to know, or would like to know, before
> writing.  Brevity both in writing and speech is important.  You don't
> want to annoy or bore others with irrelevant information, nor seem
> boring by giving away all your thoughts.

Brolin’s verbose mode is always on! ;)
> All the best to you and your endeavours :)
> Best Regards,
> Ben Cadieux

I finally realised why your name seems familiar:  you are the author of 
WDe.  I e-mailed you about WDe in 2006. :)

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