> On Wed, 6 Jan 2010 23:00:19 +0100
> Fabian Schölzel<>  wrote:
> ---snip---
>> You also said, that he could run into trouble because of the things he writes
>> here. Well, that may be. Myself i think, only people, that are not able to
>> deal with that amount of info and openness, would generate trouble out of 
>> this
>> writings. I don't really see, where one can be too open and honest about
>> himself. Is that really possible? We are all human beings, why would we want
>> to hide parts of our existence? Why would we want to let taboos about what to
>> say and what not to say stay? If someone don't want to read some specific
>> stuff, then he should go on and do not read it. If someone (in 10 years for
>> example) will make decisions or estimations on the basis of Brolins writings
>> here and now - well, as i said, that may happen. Often people say "imagine
>> they google you and don't give you a job". I would say: "Gladly, Brolin don't
>> have to work and talk with people, who are just lost in the age of
>> information."
> I approach this in a slightly differrent manner.
> I believe that one should not be completely open to strangers and should 
> leave some knowledge about him/her only to people he/she cares about. Being 
> able to know someone more than others do is a gift you could give your 
> colleagues (they know more then a stranger), your friends (you know some of 
> your thoughts), your relatives (they know your daily life) and so on. I 
> personally find it nice if someone shows that I'm important to her/him by 
> sharing more of that knowledge with me.
> That are also a few other reasons to not talk about oneself that I won't 
> share with Google's caches as Google is not someone I know ;)

I do not think your approach makes sense because even my closest friends 
were once strangers.  If I had never talked to Andrew Williamson in 
elementary school in 1995, we would probably not have become friends. 
One of us must have initially approached the other for the first time, 
though, and we are still closest friends 15 years later because one of 
us decided to approach someone who was a stranger at the time.  Granted, 
we were 8 at the time:  I guess children are less afraid of their peers 
than adults are afraid of their peers.  I am now almost 23, but I am 
still too afraid and/or shy to talk to many strangers because I know 
nothing about them.  I think online/virtual communities are a good way 
to learn about people before meeting them in person.  This is how I met 
Alishams:  if he had not written his long reply to my original message 
in this thread, I probably would have been less comfortable if I met him 
in person because I would not have known anything about him other than 
his sex, estimated age, and physical appearance.

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