Seriously? I think you and I might have different ideas about what "works"
mean. :)

The only network connectivity I have with this phone is WiFi. I can't get
GPS  lock indoors, and I probably can't get a WiFi signal outdoors. Besides,
if I can get a WiFi signal, I probably don't need GPS to know where I am...
Very curious.

Is there, perhaps, another application I can use to just get GPS coordinates
and verify that this works, at least?

-- Ori Pessach

On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Gennady Kupava <> wrote:

> Hi, Ori,
> > * GPS doesn't work. The longest I left it running to try and get lock
> > was 20 minutes - no luck with that. What should I look at?
> So far FPS worked in  100% of cases if you'll follow this procedure"
> 1. start nerongps.
> 2. cache maps
> 3. close nerogps
> 4. go to street (really)
> 5. start nerongps.
> 6. wait for 5(!) minutes (usually only 1-2minutes needed)
> 7. it should work.
> Gennady.
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