Hallo Nikolaus,

--- On Tue, 12/21/10, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller <h...@computer.org> wrote:
> we are happy that we can make an announcement to the Free
> and
> Open Hardware Community, right in time for X-mas and New
> Year:
I am happy to read it! Congratulations!

> So we are very confident that the already scheduled
> redesign
> (GTA04A3) will work right from the beginning and boot
> Linux.
It's alive!! Haha, in fact it seems quite reminiscant of a nuclear whiteout 
followed by a blackout (emphasized by the post-apocalyptic style of the 
recording appliance shown in the reflection of the screen) ;-) 

> -- next steps --
> In this mode, you may deduce, that you will not be able to
> (...) run out of money before.
I hate that too :-(

> -- early adopter program --
> Therefore, we have thought hat we offer an early adoper
> program to the benefit of everybody.
> The idea is that you can order a GTA04A3 immediately. 
> and if everything looks ok, we will produce your early
> adopter devices. Only in the case that the A3 board has
> another
> serious flaw, we will have to design a GTA04A4 board
> first.
You will test two way voice communication, will you? I keep receiving 
complaints about echo/buzz (indeed, haven't applied fix ...)

> estimate delivery of the first units by March 2011.
After wetting the appetite during FOSDEM ...

> (there are not all
> peripherals installed but UMTS and GPS will be). It might
> be possible to retrofit some of them.
I am quite interested, but a bit hesitant for missing goodies. Do you have some 
(closer) estimate about what's missing and what which of those things are 

> And, come to FOSDEM 2011 to see and touch a GTA04
> and discuss with us about this new gadget.

> We wish you all merry christmas and a happy new year.
Same to you and the team!



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