Dne 19.4.2011 10:55, Jan Tuennermann napsal(a):
I think ROS would not be a benefit for the OpenMoko as a phone, it makes
it very attractive for application in robotics or other controlling

The minimal processing power is a problem when compiling. Compiling the
base system took a whole night and when ever I compile a new ROS
package, ROS will automatically compile any packages the wanted want
depends on and make the phone unusable for hours while compiling. I
think I need to look into cross-compiling.
Cross-compiling might be painfull, suggest use of qemu on powerfull machine.

I also think there are some optimizations on the ROS side possible. For
example, there is a lot of logging going on. I think it can be turned

A slim linux would be good, but it must be ensured that all the base
dependencies can be satisfied (boots, OpenCV, etc.). Also one of the
advantages of ROS is, that there are thousands of communities packages
available that have individual dependencies. For example, the
gpsd_pacakges I tried to install will tell the rosmake tool that it
depends on gpsd and (on debian) it will automatically you apt-get to
pull and install the package. (However, this did not work for unknown
reasons on the QtMoko installation, which I had switched to debian
squeeze source).
I also needed to override the OS identifcation with an environment
variable 'export ROS_OS_OVERRIDE=debian:squeeze', because QtMoko was
providing some other identification.

So I think it should use the debian repos, to make as many packages
available as possible.

A good thing would be a pre-compiled version already installed properly
in the file system ready to copy on SD, boot and go! All the phone
functionality could be stripped out, just starting a blank Xserver where
graphical ROS-nodes can show there widgets. I would have one phone SD
and one robot SD card then, and never again the phone would ring while
it drives around on the robot ;)


Am 19.04.2011 10:27, schrieb RANJAN:
Will be really an awesome and exciting idea..But having to port it
properly and use the minimal processing power on FR and to decide
whether one should design a minimal linux specifically to support ROS
etc would be some key points to begin with..


On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 1:10 AM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
<h...@goldelico.com <mailto:h...@goldelico.com>> wrote:

    I think this can also be of interest to the Openmoko community.

    Am 19.04.2011 um 09:46 schrieb Jan Tuennermann:


    thanks for forwarding. ROS (Robot Operating System) is a kind of
    meta operating system. It does not really handle OS functions,
    also it is not real time. It's a great concept that boosts
    development in the robotic area. It is based on a publisher /
    subscriber paradigm; you implement your software as node which
    will publish and receive messages. For example, if you wrap a
    face detection algorithm or something in a ROS-node, it would
    subscribe to image messages and probably publish a custom message
    with coordinates of a face, or maybe another image with the face
    marked. This node can now receive images from any node that
    publishes images. For example, a webcam-node. Or a node that
    loads test-data from hard drive or maybe from a 3D-Simulator.
    Also, there are a lot of components that already come with ROS.
    So if we wanted to display the image with the face marked in it,
    we would just need to make an image_view node (comes with ROS) to
    subscribe our images. More complex components can display 3D
    point-clouds (for example from a laser range finder), etc. ROS
    nodes register with a master and they don't need to be on the
    same machine, as they can communicate over network.

    Right now I'm trying to get a gpsd_client node to run on the
    OpenMoko. On a remote PC a gpsd_viewer node will run, subscribing
    gpsFix messages which it will use to display the Moko's location
    in a map from the OpenStreetMap project. I'm planning to connect
    the Moko to a micro- controler which then controls a RC-car. I
    tested this before, so I'm optimistic that I will get it working.
    When it works I might add a X-Box kinnect, which is already
    supported by ROS to capture 2D and 3D visual information to
    enable the RC-car for autonomous driving.

    best regards,

    Am 19.04.2011 01:14, schrieb Ron K. Jeffries:
    sending this item along seen on the ROS list.

    Not sure if OpenMoko folks have already seen it.

    A future board similar to SIE nee SAKC would
    benefit from a real time OS. This one [ROS]
    appears to be open and free and widely supported.

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: Jan Tuennermann <tuennerm...@get.uni-paderborn.de
    To: ros-us...@code.ros.org <mailto:ros-us...@code.ros.org>
    Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 09:28:02 +0200
    Subject: [ros-users] ROS running on Neo Freerunner
    Hi everyone,

    I spent some time on the weekend to get ROS diamondback running
    on the OpenMoko smart phone Neo Freerunner. With it's WiFi, GPS,
    Accelerometers and Linux capabilities it might be an alternative
    for robot projects where a netbook is to large or to heavy.

    I put an installation guide here: http://www.ros.org/wiki/freerunner

    I was not really sure where to put it, as it is not really a
    tutorial and also no stack description. So if the place is
    inappropriate, it would be nice if someone could move it.


    Ron K. Jeffries
    http://ronkjeffries.pen.io <http://ronkjeffries.pen.io/>

      M.Sc. Jan  T U E N N E R M A N N   _________________________________

                                                   University of Paderborn

                                          Faculty of Computer Science
                                    Electrical Engineering and Mathematics
                                                                   GET Lab

      phone: +49/ (0)5251/ 60 - 2219                         Pohlweg 47-49
      fax:   +49/ (0)5251/ 60 - 3238                     D-33098 Paderborn

                                         Faculty of Cultural Sciences
                                             Department of Psychology

      phone: +49/ (0)5251/ 60 - 2907                  Warburger Straße 100
      fax:   +49/ (0)5251/ 60 - 3528                        D-33098 Paderborn


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  M.Sc. Jan  T U E N N E R M A N N   _________________________________

                                               University of Paderborn

                                          Faculty of Computer Science
                                Electrical Engineering and Mathematics
                                                               GET Lab

  phone: +49/ (0)5251/ 60 - 2219                         Pohlweg 47-49
  fax:   +49/ (0)5251/ 60 - 3238                     D-33098 Paderborn

                                         Faculty of Cultural Sciences
                                             Department of Psychology

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  fax:   +49/ (0)5251/ 60 - 3528                            D-33098 Paderborn


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