Hi Neil, hi Boudewijn,

thanks for the suggestions. I understand that there are probably more usefull ways to get GPS info out of the Moko. Right now I'm trying it in the context of creating a complete ROS integration, so that all the phone's sensors will publish their information as ROS messages. This will be useful for using the phone as a control unit on a robot, but probably not for it's original intention as a phone ;) I think the one could easily forward the port gpsd uses to run tangogps on a remote PC. That's probably what you described, Boudewijn. Did the GPRS connection prove reliable enough for this?


Am -10.01.-28163 20:59, schrieb W. B. Kranendonk:
--- On Tue, 4/19/11, Neil Jerram<neiljer...@gmail.com>  wrote:
Am 19.04.2011 um 09:46 schrieb
Jan Tuennermann:

Right now I'm trying to get a gpsd_client node to run
on the OpenMoko. On a
remote PC a gpsd_viewer node will run, subscribing
gpsFix messages which it
viewer: note that this is very similar to using the
OpenMoko as a GPS
receiver and exporting that information to another device
Apart from exporting over Bluetooth, will you have an IP connection between the 
devices? I guess so, how else to receive *any* info in the viewer :-)

Anyway: using foxtrotgps for example, I enter the port for gpsd. I always 
expected it to default to localhost if nothing else was supplied; I recall 
using tangogps on a laptop configured to connect to IP:port of the Freerunner 
that was traveling with family and connected via GPRS. That's a while ago 
though and time and alcohol made the memory not too detailed ;-)


 M.Sc. Jan  T U E N N E R M A N N   _________________________________

                                              University of Paderborn

                                          Faculty of Computer Science
                               Electrical Engineering and Mathematics
                                                              GET Lab

 phone: +49/ (0)5251/ 60 - 2219                         Pohlweg 47-49
 fax:   +49/ (0)5251/ 60 - 3238                     D-33098 Paderborn

                                         Faculty of Cultural Sciences
                                             Department of Psychology

 phone: +49/ (0)5251/ 60 - 2907                  Warburger Straße 100
 fax:   +49/ (0)5251/ 60 - 3528                     D-33098 Paderborn

 email: tuennerm...@get.uni-paderborn.de

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