píše v St 03. 08. 2011 v 19:04 +0200:
> Hi all,
> Last week I was unfortunate enough to have my Freerunner submerged in a lake 
> for a short moment. While I took out the battery immediately, it doesn't 
> quite work any more.
> It spent about 10 secs underwater, and after a few days of drying, it seems 
> to boot properly both from NAND menu and plain power-button method.

How were you drying it? 


> The problem is, the screen goes gradually white at some points during boot 
> (but not on the SHR-Today screen, where the screen shows distorted copies of 
> the screen). I tried reflashing a newer SHR version, but apparently the 
> drawing methods are still the same.
> There's a video of the boot process here: 
> (5 MB).
> After the video ends, the screen goes white again. It doesn't show NAND boot 
> menu which works fine.
> Can anyone point me to which replaceable part may be broken? Is it the whole 
> screen module that needs to be replaced?
> Cheers,
> rhn
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