On Thu, 4 Aug 2011, Hrabosh wrote:

Patryk Benderz pí?e v ?t 04. 08. 2011 v 10:02 +0200:
> I left it on the windowsill with battery removed (but was too afraid
> to open the case). Do yoy think it was enough?
definitely not. You need to open the case and clean the residue.
Especially if the water was not clean (like from a lake) or salty. If
you are afraid you can always ask someone skilled to do it.

True! You have to open it, unplug each internal cable (display unit,
maybe something more) and clean everything with alcohol, flux remover or
something similar.

It is not a rocket sience :-) You just need to get rid of the fear of
using a screw driver on $300 unit.

Well, it somehow is, concerning the GPS antenna (whose satelites are transported by rockets). I already broke one GPS antenna cable and that is for sure unrepairable with usual soldering tools. But the rest of my phone has survived many, many (dis-)assembling steps without problems.

Instructions for example:

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