I promised myself that I wouldn't take my FR apart again until it was time to install the GTA04 board so I won't have pics of what I did this weekend, but I can share some other info.

BMP085 barometer install pics: http://www.jeepingben.net/index.php?level=album&id=24 MLX90614 thermometer install pics: http://www.jeepingben.net/index.php?level=album&id=26

Adding i2c devices to a Freerunner is fairly easy. There are only 4 wires and as long as there aren't address conflicts, you can just keep adding more devices. Here is where you can find a picture of where to attach the wires: http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Freerunner_Navigation_Board_v2#Installation

The change I made this weekend was to stand an SMD resistor up vertically on the SCL test pad (If you look at the pictures I link above, that is where the orange wire attaches to the board) in the FR and solder it. I then attached the SCL wires for my 2 sensors to the top of the resistor. I used 4.7k ohm which is probably more than I should have used, but it works. I think 1K might make more sense, there was some mention of adding series resistors for long i2c circuits, though each of my SCL wires is 8 cm at the most.

Sorry for the lack of pictures of the current state, but the way I crammed the BMP085 in is fragile and I don't want to break it. I hope my description along with the other pics makes it clear enough.

As for schematics, i2c is just 4 wires

VDD -> voltage source on the AUX button
GND -> ground side of the clock battery (supercap in my case)
SDA -> SDA test pad near the debug connector
SCL -> 4.7k resistor ->SCL test pad near the debug connector

The reference implementation for the 2 sensors I installed was a little more complicated with pullup resistors and decoupling capacitors, but everything seems to work without them.


On 01/11/2012 07:46 AM, David Matthews wrote:
  can we have a picture of the final tweak� please ?

+1 yes please! I'm struggling to understand what you've done, but ity sounds like something
I'd be very please to have.

and by the way that stuff I wrote earlier about sdcards was garbage - it was
a faulty card, not a problem with qtmoko or shr

For me now first thoughts when I see an sdcard problem are that either the card is faulty or inherantly incompatible with the freerunner (and that seems
very common)

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