Il 10/01/2013 21:34, Yury Sakarinen ha scritto:
Hi, list (and Joif if u still here coz I remember u gonna leave FR dev for another phone).

Heh.. there is no another phone (: I'll will be here still for a long time. I've just an "emergency" old phone but I still have my GTA02 with me!

Old icons were large and very clear and comfortable.

So, need I make (hack) a new theme, or may simply overwrite icons? Sure, i want stay with small upper menu and other goodies.
We have a lot of screens in QtMoko, exactly which icons do you refer to?
I took a look to old screenshots, in some screens indeed there are differences in icons size, but they are really few, e.g. in the applications menu now we have 9 icons but before there were 8. For matters like this, we cannot modify everything through the theme config files. For example, the dialer screen is almost completely customizable through the theme files, but the application menu is not.
For the latter, you have to look in qtmoko UI code.
So, if you want larger icons in some screen, maybe it is not sufficient nor to change the icons nor to make a new theme. Other developers I'm sure can correct me if I'm wrong and clarify this issue.


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